Monday, February 23, 2009

A Wasted Day

No, not in the "Duuuuude, I'm so" way, in the I didn't do a damn thing of value today. Going to have to ration my internet time, I see. Oh well, I did take care of some business, filed my unemployment claim, did my taxes (ouch) & sent in my separation paperwork, so I guess the day wasn't a total loss. Oh yeah, and I saw this, which I loved...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Step One: Make a Plan (ya think?)

Okay, that makes sense, but where to start? Of course I'm looking for a new job, but this is such a great opportunity to make other changes, too. Think I'll spend the next week getting my literal house in order, which should lead to getting everything else in order (in theory, anyway). I'm definitely in purge mode, really feeling the need to clear out the clutter & start with a clean slate. I hope that feeling lasts long enough to actually accomplish that.

Next up - a list. I'm a big fan of list making, not so much for the follow up, but it's a start. Being a world class procrastinator may make that tougher than it sounds, though... I wasted most of today here Can you blame me, though, when they feature this? C'mon this sock monkey dress by the very talented Rebecca Yaker? I love it!

Friday, February 20, 2009

What's The Big Idea?

So what mad skillz do I possess? I can sing passably, decorate a cake, arrange flowers, do computer technical support (over it), what else? All my other skills are illegal, except for in Nevada, and I don't like hot climates, so that's out of the question. Can I come up with the next million dollar idea? The blanket w/sleeves thing's already been done...

Life 2.0

So it's the first day of my post-layoff life. Not quite sure what to do next, but I do know that I want to radically change my current situation. I was laid off yesterday from my job as a help desk coordinator for a mid-sized East coast law firm, a job with which I never fully connected.
I'm toying with the idea of having you, my potential readers, decide what my next step should be. I'm craving creativity, but don't have a clue which way to turn. Thoughts? Suggestions? Bring 'em on!